Sunday, December 16, 2012

The End of 2012

I'm back! Well, briefly. It's been sad not having much surrogacy related to write about on here! I do have a couple small updates though, so I thought I'd take to the keyboard.

The wait for my body to get back to normal took longer than expected. The nurse originally told me 2-4 weeks post-miscarriage I should menstruate and be ready to start medications again. However, my body had different plans, so 6 weeks post-miscarriage the P Day finally arrived. However, that caused another setback. They had been hoping that I'd be ready to start my medications again at the beginning of November so that we could fit a transfer in by the end of November. That didn't happen. And apparently the lab closes for 4 weeks at Holidays' time. So...January it is! Yeah, it was a bit frustrating to have to wait so long, but time flies when you're ridiculously crazy busy AND it's Christmas time. So I'm sure January will be here before I know it. I did start on the birth control again. The birth control is meant to both control my cycle and prevent me from ovulating. I start the injections and other medications on January 3rd. My nurse sent me the calendar, chart and prescriptions for monitoring. While I'm on the medications, I have to go to a local IVF clinic for monitoring of my hormone levels and uterine lining, to make sure that my body is ready for the transfer. The transfer is tentatively scheduled for January 26th. That gives me time to turn 30 beforehand (:-o!!!!), and I must admit, it's kinda nice to be able to drink my way into my fourth decade. I wouldn't have been able to if I was pregnant. Though I would have been just fine, lol, but since this is a BIG one, I'll happily have a glass or two of wine, and perhaps some sushi :-D. 

I haven't had a chance to go through the chart yet and refresh my memory on all the medications next month. I'll take some time to sit down with that after Christmas. Over the course of the month, there will be about 7-8 different medications I'll need to use at some point or consistently. I like to make sure it's all clearly marked on the chart and calendar so I don't forget anything. I set an alarm on my phone too, to remind myself at the right time of day every day. I'm supposed to take most of them within the same 2 hour period each day, preferably evening. It's easy to get sidetracked, so for important things like this, I don't want to give myself a chance to forget. So that's the latest with the next attempt. More updates to come next month.

I also wanted to talk for a moment about Giuliana and Bill. I didn't start watching their show until recently because of their own attempts at IVF and eventually using a gestational carrier to carry their baby. I've got to say, their story brought me so many tears of both sadness and joy. I remember, last spring my mom and I went to dinner, and she mentioned to me that Giuliana and Bill were having a baby via gestational carrier. I pounded the table and said something along the lines of "See! That's why I'm doing this! Because I was so sad for them and their struggle, and it makes me so happy to hear they are going to have a baby this way now!" It brings me so much joy to be able to do this for someone. And while I'm sure they make lots of money putting their lives on TV, I do think it's very kind of them to share their painful but ultimately rewarding story with all of America on TV. I laughed and cried with them, and am so happy for them. Watching the delivery made me imagine what my own will be like with my IP's baby, and I've said before how I can't wait to see them hold their little bundle of joy I helped bring into the world. I do think that it's going to make me want a baby again, hahaha, but I'm fully aware the time is not right yet and I will have another of my own someday when my life's not so crazy anymore and we're settled again. I'm sure even though I may have baby envy post-delivery, I'm sure I will be happy to be able to get a full night's sleep! That would be what scares me about having more kids one day. Victoria was an angel and slept 6 hours through the night from birth. I can do 6 hours! I'm SURE my next will not be the same. So I can wait for that, especially wait for when I'm not doing it alone!

One more thing...I just wanted to say that my heart is broken for the families of the children who died in Connecticut on Friday. I cannot watch or read anything about it without sobbing. I don't know if it's because I'm a parent or not. I know that after I became a parent, I became much more sensitive to anything regarding children, especially tragic news stories. And after my separation and subsequent divorce, I became much more empathetic and selfless, and I already was those things. It's to the point now where I cry very easily over stories like this. Random acts of kindness and selflessness, neighbors helping neighbors truly inspires me and brings meaning to my life. Hearing of the events that unfolded and thinking about what just breaks my heart. I'm truly grieving for these families too. I take comfort in knowing the children probably didn't suffer long and are surrounded by angels now. I could not imagine being one of these parents though, or one of the children alive but now traumatized by what happened. My heart is with you all. I hope that you can move forward positively and thrive despite your tragic loss.

Much love to everyone. I hope your Holidays are wonderful and you have a fabulous New Year. Here's to 2013!

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